My name's Debora Smith
and I’m the creator and designer
of the D.E.B. Card System.
I’ve been a Nurse for over 25 years
and have for as long as I’ve been
studying, developed cards for myself.
My memory, like many people, has
always left me forgetting parts of
information. So what started as note
writing became developing
bullet-point card
My name's Debora Smith
and I’m the creator and designer
of the D.E.B. Card System.
I’ve been a Nurse for over 25 years
and have for as long as I’ve been
studying, developed cards for myself.
My memory, like many people, has
always left me forgetting parts of
information. So what started as note
writing became developing
bullet-point cards.
My original cards were written out by
hand and laminated for practicality.
Once learnt, I’d pass them on to students, newly qualified nurses and other staff.
As I progressed and moved jobs I created
new designs for different areas and
advanced information. As my
career developed, the more
I studied. The more cards I created,
the more I recognised their benefit,
no longer just for me. I was asked
by others to create duplicates.
The simple concept just grew.
At the age of 30 I decided to learn
British Sign Language. Once again the
DEB card System helped me through all
the exams and new terminology. As my
career developed so did my family.
Five children later (all with ADHD
and/or Autism) and my Art Framer
husband (profoundly Deaf, with
ADHD & Autism) learning and
studying took on a new perspective!
I worked during my career as a Nurse,
in A&E, Elderly Care, on film sets,
in Specialist Biologics, and Sexual
Health Clinics. I have worked in
Education outside of Nursing as a
Sign Language Communicator
in work settings and in colleges.
The variation taught me so much about education and the learning process.
I found the best way to consolidate any learning was for it to be fun, inventive, memorable and most of all... easy.
DEB Bullet-point cards fit that criteria.
I now find myself in the role as an
Ophthalmic Nurse and Infection
Control Department Link, and
through my learning, teaching,
developing and family’s varied
ways of retaining information,
I finally realised the value of
what I'd created. Then began the
process of developing the DEB Card
and designing the many options to
show how varied and diverse
they could be.